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Payment Gateway Testing

Payment Gateway Testing

The 360 One Validation Servers are available 24 x 7 for unattended testing. The validation server is a replication of the Payment Gateway production servers and will support testing for all available functionality. These transactions will all be processed by our authorization simulator so there is no need to worry about the requests impacting a live cardholder’s account.


  1. Validation
  2. Card Numbers
  3. Address Verification
  4. CVV, CVC, CID
  5. 3D Secure (Verified by Visa, MC Secure Code)
  6. Amount Driven Response
  7. PINNED Debit
  8. American Express – AAV (Cardholder Email, Name and Phone Number Verification)
  9. Partial Authorization and Balance Inquiry


When the developer is ready a script will be provided that will cover both record formats and interchange qualification. These scripts will be customized for the specific client, and based upon the record types identified on the Validation Request form.

Once the validation scripts have been reviewed and approved by the 360 One Validation team a production profile will be created. All transactions using this profile and the production URL will be live. It is important to remember when installing the production ID’s that you ensure the URL is updated to route all requests to the 360 One Production Servers.

Test Card Numbers

The authorization process in our certification environment is simulated. Any card may be used without impacting the cardholder’s account as all responses are from a simulated authorization system. 360 One will provide these test card numbers for your convenience.

Card Type Length Card Number
Visa 16 4012301230123010
Visa 13 4012301230158
MasterCard 16 5123012301230120
American Express 15 349999999999991
Discover 16 6011011231231235
JOB 16 3528288605211810

B-to-B transactions

Our authorization simulator will recognize the cards in the table below as commercial cards for testing Business to Business transactions:

Card Type Card Number Commercial Card Response Indicator
Visa 4000700705251681 B – Business Card
MasterCard 5589548939080095 B – Business Card
MasterCard 5133598939080091 S – Purchasing Card
Visa 4000693061211474 R – Corporate Card
MasterCard 5119718939080093 R – Corporate Card

Address Verification Testing

The card associations have developed Address Verification as a tool to assist a merchant in processing a transaction based on information submitted that is compared to the credit card billing address. The table below can be used to test all possible AVS responses. The combination of the Street Address and Zip Code in the request will generate the associated AVS Result Code in the response.

Street Address ZIP Code AVS Result Code
123 55555 Y – street and postal code match
123 999991111 Y – street and postal code match (Visa)
X – street and postal code match (MasterCard)
123 EH8 9ST D – exact match, international
123 Other Zip A – address match, zip mismatch
234 Any ZIP U – address unavailable
345 Any ZIP G – verification unavailable due to international issuer non-participation (Visa and MasterCard only)
456 Any ZIP R – issuer system unavailable, retry
235 Any ZIP S – AVS not supported
Other Address 55555 Z – address mismatch, 5-digit zip match
Other Address EH8 9ST Z – address mismatch, international zip match
Other Address 999991111 Z- address mismatch, zip match (Visa)
W – address mismatch, zip match (MasterCard)
Other Address Other ZIP N – address and zip mismatch

CVV, CVC, CID Testing

This table will test CVV, CVC, and CID which is the 3 or 4 digit code printed on the back of a card. This security feature assists merchants processing in a Card Not Present environment and receiving a positive response improves the likelihood that the cardholder making the purchase is in physical possession of the card. Visa, MC, and Discover encode a 3 digit value on the cards and American Express encodes either a 3 or 4 digit value. Defined input values will result in responses as described:

CVV / CVC Value Result Code
123 M – Match
234 P – Not Processed
345 U – Issuer is not certified
else N – No Match

This table will test American Express CID:

CID Value Result Code
1234 M – Match (this response is generated when the CID flag is enabled on the MeS Profile ID)
2345 P – Not Processed (this response is generated when the CID flag is enabled on the MeS Profile I
else N – No Match (with a response code of 000) (this response is generated when the CID flag is enabled on the MeS Profile ID)

When in production Visa will return unique values for each field

3D Secure* Testing

* Verified by Visa, MC Secure Code

This table provides the values and the respective responses used in our Validation environment for testing Verified by Visa. The test system will not edit the XID field so we recommend for testing that you submit the same value in XID that is submitted in the CAVV field.

MOTO Indicator CAVV Result
5 MjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMg= Error code = 00
not 5 any value Error code = 00

This table provides the values and the respective responses used in our Validation environment for testing MasterCard Secure Code, the test system will not edit the ucaf_auth_data field so we recommend for testing that you submit: ERERERERERERERERERERERERERE=

MOTO Indicator UCAF Collection Indicator Result
5 2 Error code = 000
6 1 Error code = 000

Amount Driven Response Testing

In addition to testing for approval codes, this table will allow testing for a variety of potential response codes:

Amount Response Code Auth response text Reason/Description
0.00 085 “Card OK” For card verification testing, submit a transaction code=A
0.01 001 “Call” Refer to issuer
0.02 002 “Call” Refer to issuer – special condition
0.04 004 “Hold-call” Pick up card (no fraud)
0.05 005 “Decline” Do not honor
0.07 007 “Hold-call” Pick up card (fraud)
0.14 014 “Card No. Error” Invalid card number
0.15 015 “No Such Issuer” Invalid card number
0.19 019 “RE Enter” Re-enter transaction
0.41 041 “Hold-call” Pick up card (fraud: lost card)
0.43 043 “Hold-call” Pick up card (fraud: stolen card)
0.51 051 “Decline” Insufficient funds
0.54 054 “Expired Card” Issuer indicates card is expired
0.57 057 “Serv Not Allowed” Transaction not permitted to cardholder
0.59 059 “Suspected Fraud” Do not honor card
0.84 084 “Invalid Auth” Invalid Authorization Life Cycle
0.86 086 “Can’t Verify P” System is unable to validate the Pin #
1.00 0TA “CT NOT ALLOWED” Merchant does not accept this type of card

Pinned Debit will only work with PIN Pads that have been injected to work with the MeS Keys.

PINNED Debit Testing

Send PIN=1234 for an approved transaction. Any other PIN will be declined with response code ’55’ (Wrong PIN).

The simulator also supports the following trigger inputs (these will work with any card number):

Encrypted PIN Block KSN Response Code
706E3CADE53F11CA 3941013211204321 00 – Approval
43197165510DDD89 3941013211204322 55 – Wrong PIN
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 3941013211204323 81 – Encryption Error

American Express – AAV

Cardholder Email, Name and Phone Number Verification

The following AAV or ITD values will cause the simulator to return a ‘Y’ response in the appropriate response field.

Field Name Group Group
Billing Street Address AAV 123 (only numeric part matters)
Billing Postal Code AAV 55555 or 999999999
Billing First Name AAV CHRIS
Billing Last Name AAV FROST
Billing Phone Number AAV 7035551212

Any other value will cause the simulator to return a ‘N’ response in the appropriate response field. If a given data element is not supplied the simulator will return a space.

Partial Authorization and Balance Inquiry Testing

To obtain a partial authorization, submit any valid amount that will generate an approval and the simulator will return 1/3 of the requested amount.

Balance Inquiry testing is not available for testing on the simulator but if requested and if the issuer provides a balance it will be returned in production. In order to validate the transaction processes include the balance inquiry request, the system will accept the request but a value will not be returned.

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