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Level 3 Processing

Level 3 Processing

Corporate Card processing is used by the government and large corporations to make business-to-government and business-to-business purchases. These transactions are typically authorized by end users presenting what are called Purchasing Cards, or ‘P’ Cards for payment. American Express cards are usually referred to as Corporate Cards.

Corporate card processing provides specific data about the purchase such as item description, quantity, unit-of-measure, price, sales tax, as well as detailed merchant and cardholder information. This data is captured by the payment processor, and passed on to the card issuer. The intent of this program is to replace the traditional paper Purchase Order process. The card issuer then provides this detail to the cardholder/purchaser in the form of a monthly statement or web-based reporting.

This payment gateway supplemental guide details the additional requirements needed to process these transactions and qualify at preferred Level III Interchange rates for Visa and MasterCard as well as comply with American Express Corporate Card requirements (CPC). This is a companion guide to the 360 One Payment Gateway Specification, and clients must certify all other basic transaction sets prior to implementation of corporate card processing as some key elements are required as part of the overall corporate card implementation.


  1. Introduction
  2. Visa and MasterCard Level III Request Fields
  3. American Express Level CPC Request Fields
  4. Level III Error Codes
  5. Sale (D) Code Sample
  6. Settle (S) Code Sample


Level 3 ProcessingBy sending an HTTPS POST with minimal transaction information to the payment gateway, a merchant can avoid the complex transmission protocols and message formats unique to the credit card payment industry networks.

In order to process Visa and MasterCard Level III transactions and/or American Express Level II; you must be certified for basic processing on the 360 One Payment Gateway. It is important to submit all fields in the core Payment Gateway specifications for Commercial Card for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. These additional fields are only supported by Immediate Sale (D) and Settle (S) transaction types.

Visa and MasterCard Level III Request Fields

Request fields

Field Name Description Length Format Comments
line_item_count Number of line item records included in the request 3 N Total number of line item detail records for the transaction.
Required by VI and MC
merchant_tax_id Merchant VAT Tax Number 20 AN Required by VI
customer_tax_id Customer VAT Registration Number 13 AN Required by VI
summary_commodity_code Summary Commodity Code 4 Required by VI
discount_amount Discount Amount 12 N nnnnnnnnn.nn
Required by VI
shipping_amount Freight Amount 12 N nnnnnnnnnn.nn
Required by VI & MC
duty_amount Duty Amount 12 N nnnnnnnnnn.nn
Required by VI & MC
ship_to_zip Destination Postal/Zip Code 10 AN Required by VI &MC
ship_from_zip Ship from Postal/Zip Code 10 AN Required by VI &MC
dest_country_code Destination Country Code 3 N
Required by VI & MC
vat_invoice_number Invoice Reference Number 15 AN Required by VI
order_date Order Date 6 N YYMMDD Required by VI
vat_amount Value Added Tax Amount 12 N nnnnnnnnnn.nn Required by VI
alt_tax_amount MasterCard Alternate Tax Amount 12 N nnnnnnnnnn.nn Required by MC
alt_tax_amount_indicator MasterCard Alternate Tax Indicator 1 Y or N If Y indicate tax amount, if N fill tax amount with all zeros.
Required by MC
visa_line_item Visa Line Item Detail Data See Visa
See Visa
Note that subfields are separated by <|> For multiple line items, send the field name followed by the detail for each item.
mc_line_item MasterCard Line Item Detail Data See MC
See MC
Note that subfields are separated by <|> For multiple line items, send the field name followed by the detail for each item.

Visa Line Item Subfields

Subfields are separated by <|>. Example:

5096<|>carbon dioxide equipment<|>-sales<|>1<|>>each<|>33439.93<|>2340.79<|>7.0<|>0.00<|>33439.93<|>D

Field description Notes
Item Commodity Code Maximum 12 characters
Item Descriptor Maximum 35 characters
Product Code Maximum 12 characters
Quantity Maximum 12 digits
Unit Of Measure Maximum 12 characters
Unit Cost Maximum 12 digits. Example: 1.35
Vat Tax Amount M Maximum 12 digits
Vat Tax Rate Maximum 4 digits. 7.5 = 7.5%
Discount Per Line Item Maximum 12 digits
Line Item Total Maximum 12 digits
Debit Or Credit Indicator D or C

MasterCard Line Item Subfields

Subfields are separated by <|>. Example:


Field description Notes
Item Description Maximum 35 characters
Product Code Maximum 12 characters
Item Quantity Maximum 12 digits
Item Unit Of Measure Maximum 12 characters
Alternate Tax Identifier Maximum 15 characters
Tax Rate Applied Maximum 4 digits. 5.25 = 5.25%
Tax Type Applied Maximum 4 characters
Tax Amount Maximum 12 digits
Discount Indicator Y or N
Net Or Gross Indicator N or G
Extended Item Amount Maximum 9 digits
Debit Or Credit Indicator D or C
Discount Amount Maximum 12 digits

American Express Level CPC Request Fields

Request Fields

Field Name Description Length Format Comments
requester_name Name of requester.i.e. person. 38 A/N upper Optional field. This data must be sent if provided by the merchant’s customer.
line_item_count Sequential number beginning with 1 for each line item. 3 N
amex_line_item Submit this name value followed by subfields

American Express Line Item Subfields

Subfields are separated by <|>. Example:

&line_item_count=4&amex_line_item=SKILL SAW<|>4<|>205.50&amex_line_item=NAILS<|>2<|>410.50&amex_line_item=CEDAR LUMBER<|>5<|>399.99& amex_line_item=BRICKS<|>10<|>675.45

Description Length Format Comments
Concise description of the item(s) purchased. Generic descriptions like “MERCHANDISE” should be avoided. 40 A/N upper Depending on a submitter’s processing method this field may be required. Moreover, if a merchant’s customer provides Charge Description Data, these fields are required.
This field contains the quantities that correspond to the item(s) described in the preceding field. 3 numeric This field is required if data is submitted in the corresponding charge description field.
This field contains the unit cost thatcorresponds to the item(s) described in the preceding field. 12 numeric This field is required if data is submitted in the corresponding charge description field.

Level III Error Codes

Error Code Description Required Action
127 Invalid Level III Line Item Detail Correct the data in the line item detail record and resubmit.
128 Invalid Level III Merchant Tax ID Provide a valid Merchant Tax ID.
129 Invalid Level III Customer Tax ID Provide a valid Customer Tax ID.
130 Invalid Level III Summary Commodity Code Provide a valid Summary Commodity Code.
131 Invalid Level III Ship To Zip Provide a valid destination postal code.
132 Invalid Level III Ship From Zip Provide a valid source postal code.
133 Invalid Level III Destination Country Code Provide a valid Destination Country Code.
134 Invalid Level III VAT Invoice Number Provide a valid VAT Invoice Number.
135 Invalid Level III Alternate Tax Indicator Provide a valid Alternate Tax Indicator.
136 Transaction type does not support Level III data Remove the level III data OR use a valid transaction type.
137 Invalid Level III Discount Amount Provide a valid Discount Amount.
138 Invalid Level III Duty Amount Provide a valid Duty Amount.
139 Invalid Level III Order Date Provide a valid Order Date.
140 Invalid Level III VAT Amount Provide a valid VAT Amount.
141 Invalid Level III VAT Rate Provide a valid VAT Rate.
142 Invalid Level III Alternate Tax Amount Provide a valid Alternate Tax Amount.
143 Invalid Level III Line Item Count Provide a valid Line Item Count.
144 Invalid Level III Card Type Provide valid line item detail data for the card type.

Sale (D) Code Sample

Request Params (line item detail is URL encoded)



  1. transaction_id=8fc94e10b12130f4ab8a8ceeac40fc69&error_code=000&auth_response_text=Exact Ma

Settle (S) Code Sample

Request Params (line item detail is URL encoded)



  1. transaction_id=12f3befbd035371b9b82d5920465e071&error_code=000&auth_response_text=Settle R
    equest Accepted
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